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Uniform Policy / Dress Code

  • Bottoms - Navy blue or khaki pants, shorts of appropriate length, or skirts . Sweatpants and gym shorts are not allowed at any time, except for during P.E. Leggings can be worn under dresses, shorts or skirts only.
  • Tops - Sleeved, collared white or navy blue shirts or blouses. Any Keller sport or club shirt collared or uncollared is allowed any day of the week.
  • Shoes - Closed-toe shoes with laces or Velcro
  • Jackets/sweaters/sweatshirts (outerwear) - Solid white or navy blue (no logos). Heavy jackets are permitted on cold or rainy days for outdoor use. This may be a color of your choice (no logos).


Friday Spirit Day: Friday is the only day when it is optional to wear navy blue jeans (not faded or torn) and college spirit wear.  

Please note:  Spirit wear from other district schools is not part of our school uniform.